


CEO announces Doncare's response to COVID-19
Mar 19, 2020

CEO announces Doncare's response to COVID-19


Doncare takes seriously its responsibility to support and care for the well-being of our volunteers, staff, clients and the wider community. The Board and the Executive Team have been reviewing the latest information provided by Commonwealth and State Governments.

While staying calm, we see the need to act in a cautious and responsible manner, particularly to ensure the wellbeing of those within our community who are vulnerable. We seek to play our role in slowing down the anticipated spread of COVID-19.

We will continue to support vulnerable people through our programs, while also taking steps to ensure our staff and volunteers are not put at risk. Our response is outlined below:

  • All non-essential direct client appointments and meetings will be suspended.
  • Students and volunteers will cease working in the office.
  • Client support will continue to be delivered by paid-staff via telephone and email.
  • Emergency Relief support will continue, with food parcels and food vouchers being available for pick-up by those most in need.
  • Office based staff will be limited; with options for staff to work from home being offered, where feasible.
  • Volunteers working in the Op Shops many of whom may have situations that put them into a vulnerable or higher risk category are being encouraged to self-select to suspend their volunteering for the time being; close monitoring of the Op Shops will be ongoing, with the view to possible shop closures being considered.

COVID-19 will hit those living with disadvantage the most. While the immediate crisis may limit our service delivery for a short period of time, we know that our services will be in high demand once the crisis is over. Families will have been impacted financially, emotionally and socially. We know that our funding source – the Op Shops will also suffer a significant hit. It is thus times like these that we rely on our supporters more than ever.

Please consider providing a donation to Doncare to help us to continue to support the community now and into the future.

We appreciate your ongoing support and wish you all the very best at this challenging time.

Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP

Doncare, CEO