


Many individuals, community groups and businesses choose to show their support to the Manningham community by fundraising for Doncare. 

Schools: local primary and secondary schools donate funds raised through fetes and other fundraising activities such as ‘out of uniform days’.  Some schools conduct a toy drive pre-Christmas where each family is asked to buy a new toy or book, which is distributed to parents who are struggling to make Christmas special for their children.

Events: local businesses generously support Doncare by conducting raffles, and special events such as bbq’s, fashion parades or movie nights.

Please contact us on 9856 1500 or email us if you have an idea of how your group can raise funds to support the local community through Doncare.   

Love local, make a difference and save!

We’re fundraising with Entertainment!  From every membership sold, 20% contributes to our fundraising and will make an immediate difference to support someone in need.

Has your entertainment membership expired? Support us and renew today! 

Buy your Entertainment Membership now to support Doncare.

Please share the above link with your family and friends. Thanks for your support!