A message from our Patron:
As I consider my message for this year, I can’t believe we are still in the midst of this pandemic and recognise the significant impact it has had on each and every one of us. I realise that some are more impacted than others and, at times like these, I am so very proud to be the Patron of this inspiring, committed, and versatile organisation.
The impact COVID has had and the challenges that Doncare has had to face over the past 18 months, have been extraordinary. It has been overwhelming and exhausting for all frontline organisations working across the family violence sector and Doncare is no exception.
When Doreen first approached me to be Patron of Doncare I really didn’t know what to say – she caught me off-guard. But I am so very pleased that she did. As Patron I have enjoyed being able to support the important work that Doncare does and very proud to do so. I was devastated to hear of Doreen’s passing and so very disappointed that she didn’t get to enjoy the retirement she so deserved. I shall miss her terribly as I’m sure many others will too. Over time she became a trusted friend and confidante. Someone I admired for being forthright, honest, and committed to the same cause as myself – the elimination of violence towards women and children.
I have been so inspired by the wonderful staff and volunteers who make up the Doncare community and to be embraced and appreciated as Patron of Doncare has given me the additional strength that I’ve needed at times to continue advocating for gender equality and to ensure that pressure for change continues to be placed across our systemic responses.
I have been acutely aware of the unrelenting workload and overwhelming challenges faced by staff as they respond and work with clients in what are often difficult and dangerous circumstances. Being forced to adapt to new ways of working is not easy but the commitment and dedication by everyone at Doncare has demonstrated such professionalism that my confidence in humanity is frequently restored.
Like others, I have had to work remotely over the past 18 months and my connections and interactions with everyone are largely across the computer screen. In some ways I have appreciated these changes and realise just how lucky I am that I have a safe home, although I have missed my son, Luke, terribly. As much as this has become my new norm, I realise how very difficult it has been for Doncare and its dedicated staff to adapt their services to accommodate COVID and all of its challenges. Doncare, and its service and support to those experiencing family violence, has never been more critical. With Gaby’s leadership as CEO, I know that Doncare and its staff will continue to push through these very difficult times, and I look forward to continuing my support as their Patron.
Rosie Batty
Doncare Patron 2021