


Doncare partners with Information Warrandyte to deliver Emergency Relief
Jun 13, 2017

Doncare partners with Information Warrandyte to deliver Emergency Relief


Australian of the Year 2015, Rosie Batty joined Manningham City Council Mayor, Michelle Kleinert, Cr Paul McLeish, Doncare CEO, Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP and Information Warrandyte President, John McMahon to officially open Emergency Relief services in Warrandyte.

Information Warrandyte, in partnership with Doncare, commenced delivery of Emergency Relief services from Information Warrandyte following many discussions over recent years about more localised provision of services in the Warrandyte area, particularly for people for whom transport to Doncare to receive support services is difficult. Councillor Paul McLeish was recognised as the driving force behind improving services available in Warrandyte. Doncare CEO, Doreen Stoves applauded Paul’s enthusiasm for the collaboration and his passion for enhancing the services following recommendations by Doncare to devise solutions to address the needs of the community.

As the municipality’s largest welfare provider, Doncare has seen a significant increase in requests for financial assistance to meet basic living costs over the past 18 months. During 2015-16, there were 3,500 client contacts through Doncare’s Information & Crisis Support Program and an additional 1,039 food parcels were distributed. The Integrated Family services program assisted 62 local families & 56 children involving 6115 hours of support which is no small undertaking. The issue that clients are struggling with are often complex. Family separation, loss of employment, domestic violence, mortgage stress, medical assistance, bereavement, social isolation, parents struggling to find work, immigration, single parents on reduced income from Centrelink due to cuts in parenting payments. Increased rent and utility costs continue to drive the demand for help which have outstripped increases in government support for struggling families.

Doncare Patron, Rosie Batty reflected on her personal experience in community placement at the Hastings Information Centre and the sensitivity to the cycle of disadvantage and marginalisation in victims of family violence and to the vulnerable & disadvantaged as well as the vital role volunteer community support workers play in the community. “Warrandyte struggles with family violence like every community and people who feel overwhelmed and isolated need a place where they can reach out for material and financial aid without fear of being judged”.

Warrandyte volunteers will coordinate the distribution of food parcels and household essentials. Doncare will share expertise in the intake and assessment of clients and the process of material aid and act as a point of referral for clients who may present to Information Warrandyte with more complex needs.

A grant from Warrandyte Rotary enabled Doncare to purchase food vouchers from the local IGA and a food pantry has been stocked courtesy of community food drives. Michelle Kleinert encouraged local families, schools and community groups to invest in the health and wellbeing of the Warrandyte community by offering support in the way of non-perishable food items and household essentials.

Information Warrandyte is located at 168 Yarra Street, Warrandyte and is open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. Services are free, confidential, impartial and independent. Information Warrandyte can refer people for emergency relief and have some accredited Tax Help volunteers to provide assistance to eligible low-income clients. Visit the Information Warrandyte website here or call 9844 3082.