Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

Regular visits from a volunteer visitor can help to improve your quality of life and help you feel less socially isolated

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) is a national program funded by the Australian Government and plays a vital role in providing companionship for older people who are experiencing loneliness or isolation who are living in Residential Aged Care Homes or in their own homes.

A number of reasons give rise to isolation and may include:

  • Lack of  regular and frequent contact with friends or relatives
  • Having trouble settling into their new environment
  • Not participating in planned activities
  • An Indigenous, culturally or linguistically diverse background that results in isolation from culture and heritage
  • Decreased mobility
  • Frailty or impairment that prevents involvement or participation in social or leisure activities
  • Visits that do not enhance the quality of life of the recipient

Companionship & Friendly visiting

Doncare provides the opportunity for friendship and companionship between Volunteer Visitors and older members of the local community wishing to have a chat, connect and enjoy the company of someone who has similar interests and experiences. A matched volunteer will aim to visit regularly - at least once a fortnight, ideally once a week.

Who can be a Recipient of the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme?

The ACVVS was developed to meet the needs of Government subsidised Residential Aged Care or Home Care Package recipients who, for a variety of reasons, are isolated and whose quality of life may be improved by regular visiting and companionship.

ACVVS visits are available to anyone receiving or waitlisted for Government Subsidised Residential Aged Care or Home Care Packages. Potential Recipients can be referred by family, friends, Commonwealth funded Aged Care Providers, or you can apply on your own behalf.

Register your interest now via email or call 9856 1500

What does a community visitor do? 

  • Share stories
  • Read or listen to a book
  • Share a hobby, interest or activity
  • Have a cuppa and chat
  • Enjoy a walk together
  • Enjoy a TV show together

Who can become a Volunteer Community Visitor?

To read more about becoming a Volunteer Community Visitor, click here.